Calixte Prints
Calixte Prints
Calixte Prints
Calixte Prints
Calixte Prints
Calixte Prints
Calixte Prints

Calixte Prints

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Calixte Prints offers an urban vintage collection of handmade artwork created on 125 year old vintage dictionary pages. Founded by Natalie Daniel, a creative entrepreneur and UK female artist born in Hackney, East London. After years of painting, sketch work and digital design Natalie identified her own unique style, an artist who mixes contemporary with vintage fundamentals to express her art.

All prints are handmade, created digitally and professionally printed with the highest quality pigment based inks on authentic antique vintage dictionary pages published in 1895. 

No two prints are the same as each print goes on to a different page. As these books are over 125 years old they have the wear and tear look which gives each page its own beautifully authentic vintage feel.

All prints are supplied with their own handmade picture frame ready to hang when you receive it along with a certificate of authencicity. 

Insta: @calixteprints

How this qualifies as a 'Black-Owned Business'

Black Owned


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