Local Honey Man

Local Honey Man Claimed

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Infused Honey

  • Blackseed Infused Honey 340g


    We have infused freshly ground Egyptian Black Seed (nigella Sativa) with our raw British honey. We have combined these two key ingredients into one jar to create an exclusive product aimed to boost your immune system and enrich your well-being.

  • Turmeric Infused Honey 340g


    Turmeric hand-whipped & slowly infused in Raw British Honey. Infused with unpasteurised honey, so as to protect the enzymes & preserve the benefits. Made in small batches & with LOVE!

  • Ginger Infused Honey 340g


    Local Honey Man have infused freshly ground ginger with our raw British honey. Lovingly, grated fresh ginger into our raw British Honey and left to infuse over time.

  • Lemon Zest Infused Honey 340g


    We grated some organic lemons to create this zesty raw honey. The tartness of the zest of organic lemons is perfectly balanced with our creamy honey. It works really well in a cup of honey zest tea, in a marinade, dressings and with roast vegetables or chicken.

  • Cinnamon Infused Honey 340g


    This creamy honey and warm cinnamon spice makes for the perfect combination that your taste buds will thank you for. It’s warm, soothing and packs a sweet spice.

Services Provided

  • Local Honey
  • Unpasteurised Honey
  • Bees
  • BeeHives
  • Bees Wax
  • Propolis
  • Untreated Honey
  • Unprocessed Honey
  • Infused Honey

Non Infused Honey

  • Rapeseed Honey 340g


    Rapeseed honey is a superior tasting honey produced by bees that feed on oilseed rape flowers. This nectar is a white creamy smooth texture that would taste delicious on a slice of toast, in a warm mug of tea or with anything needing a kick of natural sweetness.

  • British Golden Honey 340g


    Our raw local golden honey made from the nectar and pollen of a variety of flowers across London & the UK. It has a taste that cannot be confused with “blended” honeys found in most supermarkets. The colour of our raw local honey will vary in tune with the changing seasons and the flowers our bees feed on but predominantly will be a rich golden colour.

  • British Borage Honey 340g


    Our Borage honey is delicious and distinctive. It has subtle flavours and is mouth-wateringly smooth. It is a beautiful light in colour nectar brought to us by bees that snack on British starflowers. Borage honey is therefore a pure raw honey created from bees that pollinate with this blue super flower. It is a plant that the bees and our bodies love. In medieval times, Borage was supposedly infused in the drinks of Crusaders to increase their courage, so a teaspoon of this in your morning tea may do wonders for you.

  • Heather Honey 340g


    Our gourmet pure Heather Honey comes from the finest moors across the British isles. This exquisite and sought after honey is dark amber in colour, highly aromatic with slight bitter, tangy and smoky notes. It has a strong distinctive woody, warm, floral, fresh fruit aroma reminiscent of heather flowers. It works really well with yoghurt, fruit and with salty cheeses.

How this qualifies as a 'Black-Owned Business'

Black Owned

Registered Company Number



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