Naturally Aksanti

Naturally Aksanti Claimed

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What is Naturally Aksanti?

Naturally Aksanti is a platform where you will be able to book a personal hair coaching, find articles and hair products reviews.

How does the hair coaching work?

The client choose a package. coaching begins with an assessment form which will allow to know more about the hair and hair goals. Depending on the package we will have sessions to help the client reach the hair goal and achieve healthier hair.

Who is it for?

Our expertise is on type 4 hair. We

Any examples of challenges your client might face?

From transitioning to natural hair, to feeling more confident to rock their natural hair in any environment.

Products & services

  • Hair product reviews
  • Blog
  • Hair products
  • Hair accessories
  • Natural Hair Coaching

Hair Coaching Packages

  • Aksanti Start


    30 minutes initial session Goal setting and Product advice

  • Aksanti Progress


    30 minutes initial assessment. Goal setting and coaching Personalised routine Two follow-up sessions

  • Aksanti Advance


    30 minutes initial assessment Goal setting and coaching Personalised routine Four Follow-up session Hair Planner

  • Aksanti Follow


    Personal shopping or extra follow up session. In complement of other coaching packages.*

Naturally Aksanti is a platform created to share experience and hair product reviews for women with type 4 hair. You will be able to find tips, product reviews and book a personal hair coaching session to achieve your hair goal. Find more information on the website.

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