Tita World Cuisine
Tita World Cuisine
Tita World Cuisine
Tita World Cuisine

Tita World Cuisine

Caterers introducing a fresh, modern, and innovative spin on Caribbean cuisine.

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Tita World Cuisine provides both traditional Caribbean favourites and inspired Caribbean fusion dishes. We’re award-winning caterers, we’ve delighted our customers with innovative, delicious food, using only the freshest ingredients. Whether you’re too busy to cook, want to throw a dinner party or the event of the century, we’ll make food that looks and tastes amazing. We are here to cater to your every need, making your life easier and more delicious all at once.

Tita World Cuisine was born in 2014 with the goal of introducing a fresh, modern, and innovative spin on Caribbean cuisine.

Food has always been at the heart of our family, whether it be the much-loved Sunday dinner, entertaining friends, or at family gatherings. After taking a leap of faith we hosted our first pop-up restaurant in November 2013. The feedback from this event led us to turn our passion into a business that would allow us to share our love of good quality food.

Our menus are a medley of global dishes infused with flavours influenced by our Jamaican heritage. We pride ourselves on serving fresh, quality ingredients and professional friendly service.

Talk to us about your next event.

How this qualifies as a 'Black-Owned Business'

Black Owned

Registered Company Number



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