Vanessa Akos
Vanessa Akos
Vanessa Akos
Vanessa Akos
Vanessa Akos
Vanessa Akos

Vanessa Akos Claimed

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Vanessa Akos is a contemporary, luxury, cross cultural fashion [label] inspired by her British and Ghanaian dual heritage.
The brand specialises in producing exclusive fashion and home interior pieces with an emphasis on high quality, distinctive designs. Each product is designed to take you on a global journey; perfect for those with a desire to immerse themselves in culture.

We also pride ourselves on being socially conscious and at the forefront of our mission is committing to becoming a fully ethical and sustainable brand. Some of our clothing and home accessories are made by wonderful artisans around the world as its important to provide people with jobs and fair trade opportunities.

The brand has a strong focus on inclusivity by catering to all ages, sizes, and gender identities.
Welcome to the world of Vanessa Akos where we hope you are inspired as much as we are during the creative process.


  • Womenswear
  • Menswear
  • Childrens Wear
  • Home Accessories
  • Made to Measure
  • Bridal
  • EveningWear

How this qualifies as a 'Black-Owned Business'

Black Owned

Registered Company Number



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