Hair and Beauty workshop Sunday 30th June 2019. FREE.

Hair and Beauty workshop Sunday 30th June 2019. FREE. Claimed

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Are you looking for solutions to your hair or skin and not sure what to do? Two trichologists with over 20 years experience each in medicine and hairdressing are on hand to help.

Whether you are looking to enhance your look or would like practical advice on maintaining your hair we will give you advice and tips on how to reduce hair breakage including demonstrations of protein/moisture steam treatments) and cosmetic issues that affect people with darker skins

Also included will be:

  • Advice on blow drying – what to consider in black or mixed race hair. Product knowledge.
  • What to do on wash days, the reasons behind cleansing, the science about moisture. What products would be recommended. Hair care tips
  • Advice on acne and pigmentation concerns in darker skins. What the NHS can offer, and what treatments are available privately.
  • What can be done about fleshy moles (Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra)
  • How to prevent skin problems from razor bumps

We are currently looking for volunteers who have a hair or scalp issue they would like help with and share their experience with the group.

Anyone interested in volunteering is requested to email [email protected]

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