JA Land and Property Services

JA Land and Property Services Claimed

Connecting you to your dream

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We are an international land and property maintenance service. The aim is to help the Jamaican diaspora in the UK maintain their Jamaican land/property in their absence.

Please visit www.jalandandpropertyservices.com for some more information. We are a highly professional service, and we are able to tailor our service to the specific needs of the customer.

Additional services offered include

Sourcing land and Property for sale – liaising with real estate agents on your behalf

Viewing land and property in your absence

Management of Land – Land clearence, wall building, grooming etc

Project Management – construction of residential homes in your absence

Short and long term rentals

Eviction Services

Writing of contracts/tenancy agreements/rent arrears agreements etc

email – [email protected]

How this qualifies as a 'Black-Owned Business'

Black Owned
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